Friday, December 21, 2012

Celebrate What's Right With the World

A few months ago I tumbled into an appealing and thoughtful photography website.  Dewitt Jones is a professional photographer.  His work is remarkable, among the best. 

This seems like the right time to share with those who want to focus on the positive in their lives  Dewitt's: Celebrate What is Right with the World.

It is so easy to get bound by the profoundly sad, the slowness by which we learn to cooperate and listen to one another.  It is easy to slip over the edge into finding little that is positive in our lives and in the world.

I subscribed to his blog a few months ago and when I see his name pop up in my mail, I am eager to see what beautiful photo he has shared along with a meaningful quote.
No selling, or needing to read his blog, simply a quote and a photo.  Of course there is much within his website to explore.

I am sticking a note on my computer to join his Celebration of What is Right in the World by trying to share one of my photographs on an almost weekly basis.  Would love to have you join me.

The quote is  from Dewitt. Check out his site, Celebrate What's Right With the World: How easy it is to celebrate a birthday, a marriage, a holiday. How hard it is to hold that same perspective in our daily lives. Everyday we are inundated with messages that tell us what’s wrong with our world. It’s not surprising that we lose sight of all the things that are right with it; of all that is truly worth celebrating. As a photographer, I have a choice of what lens I put on my camera; a choice of how I am going to view the world. I choose to celebrate. Why? Because it imbues me with gratitude, because it allows me to see the best in people and situations, because it fills me with energy. This website is for those who choose celebration. A gathering place where we can come to share, to learn, to recharge, to take action. To change the world - one celebration at a time.



  1. I love this! I'm excited to check his blog out. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a wonderful idea! I look forward to celebrating with you in 2013.


Thank you for taking your time to drop by and leave a note. Warmly, Sharon