Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Influence of Photography

I just wrote a few words on my art blog about what inspires me to paint.  The focus was photography.

Photography has become an increasingly important component to my painting life. But even if I didn't draw a single line, or dab a brilliant color, photography would be of prime importance.

Photography allows me to recall, remember, reminisce, reflect on the stamen of a flower to the magnificent strength of the ocean; the pink of strawberry stained hands 
to the lavender fields of Provence; the blur of a bird's beating wings to the single drop of water.

My life is enriched by taking the time to photograph the smallest to the largest experiences.

I can't imagine not having a camera close at hand.

I would have missed 

Students observing art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Musicians' body language expressing a LOVE for their music-making.


Spiderman Up High

Memorable Meal at Sunset

Our first ripe tomato before the birds could find it.

This photograph was taken while walking through a park, over five years ago. I treasure it. I wonder who this woman is and where is she now.

Walking by a planter and noticing colorful artichokes. Photographing them I realized they were hand painted paper!!

Mango sherbet reflections.

These photos are NOT fine art, they are barely amateur, however they are personal treasures. 

Heart Thought:  Everything is of significance. Everything matters too someone.

1 comment:

  1. Love that heart thought - that everything is of significance. And so, we seek to capture those moments.


Thank you for taking your time to drop by and leave a note. Warmly, Sharon