Saturday, February 4, 2012

Did January Evaporate?

I just don't understand. How can one, wonderful, almost uneventful (meaning less stress) month just evaporate into winter air?
Adieu January
Bonjour February

Today I realized it was the Fourth, the FOURTH of February. I had to really think, what happened to four days.
If you would like to know what happened to the last four days, feel free to visit me at my "sister blog"  Sharon Furner Fine Art

1 comment:

  1. Sharon, I love your montage...or is it a collage? Anyway, I feel the same about January. Where did it go? And now I'm off to check out your other blog and see what you're up to in Feb.


Thank you for taking your time to drop by and leave a note. Warmly, Sharon