Monday, September 26, 2011

Big Mama Where Have You Been?

 Perhaps you have noticed that 
Big Mama
has been absent for a few days.  
She has been on a photographic journey.

Can you guess where she has been the last seven days?

Wish the grand-kiddies held this still for pictures!!!

Skies are magnificent everywhere. They are heaven's roadmaps.

The days held hazy, lazy clouds, which provides  POP for COLOR.

Big Mama wanted to ride the red canoe, but feared toppling into the water and ruining a gazillion photos! Stay dry and sand free was  her motto.

Hmm she must have taken for a out for flying seagulls.

Ah, here she is....taking in a wave or two, in the softly shifting ripples at low tide.

What isn't mesmerizing about WATER, anywhere, any place, any time. 

Big Mama had a wonderful get away to the beach and marshland of 
South Carolina.

I understand that she will share some of her favorite memories very soon.

But first, tomorrow she will be back to participate in Texture Tuesdays.

It is a forgone conclusion that she will use a  photo from the beach since the TT focus is on the word: love. 

Enjoy the clouds that come your way, they all have silver linings, sometimes you just have to seek after them.

See you tomorrow: Sharon

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! There aren't many places in the world better than the beach to photograph. We went to hilton head too when we lived in NC. It's lovely.


Thank you for taking your time to drop by and leave a note. Warmly, Sharon